Wednesday 31 July 2013

Explaining Fracking to the Police

Here's a video of Ian R Crane engaging with the Sussex police and attempting to explain fracking to them. The recent events at Balcombe have I am sure confirmed the views of anyone who ever believed that the primary function of the police is the protection of the Corporate State, but they of course are going to have to live in Fracktured areas too.

There's an Avaaz petition going calling for an end of police aggression against peaceful protesters.  To my mind the protesters are essentially protecting not violating private property rights, given that the action the fracking firm Cuardilla want to take could decimate the price of land in that area, in addition to peoples health and well being.

And here's Ian again explaining the dangers of fracking to a BBC radio journalist, a very good concise interview.

Here's a Link to Guardian article on falling property prices in fracking areas.  Kind of undermines the States pledge to pour money into community projects, ten million pounds per community over twenty to twenty five years, but your house maybe worth bugger all.

Telegraph article about the Country wide backlash against fracking the protests in Balcombe has created.  I partiuarly enjoyed the part where Somerst Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg says he disapproves of 'rent-a-mob buses of hooligans coming in to protest'.  It's ironic given that all the photos I've seen so far are of the police acting as 'rent-a-mob hooligans' against entirely peaceful protestors.  

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